OxyBand Technologies, Inc.

  1. RoAbout OxyBandeder RA, Schulman CI, J Craniofac Surg 2010. An overview of war-related thermal injuries. Jul 21 (4); 971-5
  2. Nuutila K, Siltanen A, Peura M, Bizik J, Kaartinen I, Kuokkanen H, Nieminen T, Harjula A, Aarnio P, Vuola J, Kankuri E, Wound Repair Regen 2012 Human skin transcriptome during superficial cutaneous wound healing. Oct 19. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-475X.2012.0088
  3. K. F. Lairet, MD, FACS, L. C. Cancio, MD, FACS,
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    FACS, D. G. Baer, PhD
    U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research, Fort Sam Houston, TX, Prospective, Randomized Trial of the Efficacy of a Oxygen-Diffusing Dressing for Donor-Site Wound Healing - ABSTRACT
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  8. Tandara, AA et al. Oxygen in wound healing – more than a nutrient. World J Surg. 2004; 28(3):294-300
  9. Mustoe, T et al. Transdermal sustained-delivery oxygen improves epithelial healing in a rabbit ear model. Arch Surg. 2005; 140(10):998-1004
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  13. Kalliainen, LK et al. Topical oxygen as an adjunct to wound healing: a clinical case series. Pathophysiology. 2003; 9:81-87
  14. Poulos, SG. 2006. OxyBand Burn Study Reports: "Clinical Trial 1 RCT Against Tegaderm" and "Clinical Trial 2 RCT Against Placebo Containing 21% Oxygen."
  15. Oh, Se Heang, Ward, Catherine L., Atala, Anthony, Yoo, James J. Harrison, Benjamin S. 2009. Oxygen generating scaffolds for enhancing engineered tissue survival. J Biomaterials. 30 (5): 757-762
  16. Yeong EK, et al. Improved burn scar assessment with the use of a new scar-rating scale. Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation. 1997 Jul.-Aug. 18(4):353-5