OxyBand Technologies, Inc.

OxyBand Technologies

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OxyBand Technologies


Piecing Together World Health


Saving Limbs
and Lives

A pioneer in wound care technology, produced the first FDA-approved wound dressing to continuously deliver therapeutic oxygen to a wound site, accelerating healing time, while decreasing infections, redness, inflammation, pain, and scarring.

Advanced Technology

OxyBand is an advanced technology that provides for the transdermal delivery of 100% oxygen to both acute wounds and chronic ulcers. The device delivers oxygen continuously via sustained release over an extended period of time, to 5 days as long as OxyBand remains intact and secure around the perimeter...

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Proven Wound Healing

OxyBand Technologies™ has developed therapeutic oxygen delivery technology that provides continuous oxygen to a wound site, is easy to use, provides options for hybrid product and is cost-effective for medical and consumer markets...

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OxyBand Technologies, Inc.